The trail narrowed and became steep. Probably 100-200 foot drop to the frozen lake. We went over three more scary snow fields on this narrow trail. We following the previous person's footstep. The trekking poles helped, but everyone really needed an ice ax, rope, and mountaineering crampons. Mother and Father bear had the precious little ones in their light backpack, while navigating this crazy stuff. I prayed Hail Marys along the way in hopes our guardian angels were watching over us. The scary feeling was real and each move could prove to be deadly. One missed step would be someone's last. I never thought I would put my family in harms way. The fourth snowfield was the last....... It was too much for my family. We turned back. Only 2.5 miiles into the trek, we went back to our car. One would say, why did you even begin this trek knowing the steepness and snowy/ice sections. Well, I did do my homework. I spoke with the local Park Warden, who covers this area. He called me on my cell phone to inform me that the trail is very wide and easy. Nothing too difficult or tricky. YES, next time our bears will have crampons...